How to wear cloth pads and liners?
Simply place into the gusset of your undies and fold the wings underneath and snap closed. The side with the channels goes next to you. This is the flannel side, and is usually patterned unless you have you have a plain colour. The fluffy fleece side (pads only) goes against your undies. The Fleece grips your knickers and stops the pads from moving around.
How long can I wear it for?
Until it feels full. But if your more comfortable changing sooner, than do it. Don't leave them on so long that they start to dry out. Dried blood is harder to clean, than 'wet' blood. After removing, fold either end of the pad in on itself, and snap shut and place in your wet bag, until you can rinse it. This will stop the pad from drying out quickly.
Can I use the same pads twice in a cycle?
Yes, If you can wash and dry them in time, so it largely depends on the seasons. Mense Sense Pads take about an hour to dry on a hot summer day, but in winter, they can take up to 2 days to dry. Heavier flow pads with a more absorbent cores will take longer to dry.
Do cloth pads smell?
No. Not while your wearing it. The bamboo core is antimicrobial, so actually helps to reduce odour. (Unlike disposables, you dont get that horrible embarrassing smell that is caused by the pads dioxins having a chemical reaction with your blood). Cloth pads will only begin to smell if you leave them unwashed. See cleaning instructions on the best way to clean them.
There is no adhesive - Do pads move around?
Mense Sense pads have been tried and tested over many years to perform properly. They are designed with slightly flanged ends, and a fleece backing, The fleece side of the pad grips your knickers to stop it sliding, and the wrap around wings are snapped in place. Larger and longer sizes have extra press studs. This will ensures your pad stays in place. Worn with the right knickers, you shouldn't have any problems.
Which underwear works best with cloth pads?
Mense Sense pads work best with firm fitting standard briefs with about a 5cm gusset. A pair that cover your bum properly will be best. "Cheeky" undies that show off the lower part of your bum, wont keep a pad in place and you may find your pad may pop out the side. So find a good firm fitting pair, a pair that cover the whole of your bum.
Also boy legs are no good. Because boy legs go down your thigh a little, the wings would sit away from your body, which they are not designed for and you will find that the wings aren't long enough for this, meaning that they will bunch your knickers instead.
Also boy legs are no good. Because boy legs go down your thigh a little, the wings would sit away from your body, which they are not designed for and you will find that the wings aren't long enough for this, meaning that they will bunch your knickers instead.
Can you feel the snaps?
No. Because of your shape, the snaps will not be felt, they will be in the gap of your groin. If you wear tight jeans, or are riding a bicycle, you may feel them then.
Are they safe?
Yes of course. As safe as a nappy on a new born. Only there is no chance of nappy rash.
Can I do sport in them?
Absolutely! Though swimming is not recommended!! They are a stable well tested design, and behave pretty well, so they shouldnt move around.
If pads or liners are wriggling around, try wearing firmer fitting underwear.
If you have any other questions feel free to contact me.
If pads or liners are wriggling around, try wearing firmer fitting underwear.
If you have any other questions feel free to contact me.